Perfectly Poochy has been receiving numerous calls from clients of other pet sitters in Scottsdale. Why? Their current pet sitter won’t say who will be doing the daily visits and/or who is doing the overnight. Perfectly Poochy, the best pet sitter in Scottsdale, does not have that problem. It is Joanne 100%! There is also complaints that the owner of the pet sitting business won’t give the phone number of the sitter stating, “its illegal”. Funny how they make up lies when it is absolutely absurd to have a hired firm come into your home and you can’t reach them? Your worries will be over when you hire Perfectly Poochy! Call us today!!
Insured. Bonded. Awesome.
602-826-9030 | | Insured. Bonded. Awesome.
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Thanks for contuibrting. It’s helped me understand the issues.