Did you see the article in the AZ Republic “Despite puppy-dog eyes, canines feel no shame”. When your Akita rips apart a feather pillow or chews your favorite sandals, and you begin to lecture her on her bad behavior. They give you those automatic puppy dog eyes but truth be told that they don’t have a clue what your rant is about. Behaviorists insist dogs lack shame. This also reminds me when I tell clients that your fur kids don’t know how long you are gone. They just know of the moment and we at Perfectly Poochy help fill that void so the dog has its normal day without you. Call us today to schedule your next appointment with the best Scottsdale Pet sitter in town!!
Insured. Bonded. Awesome.
602-826-9030 | perfectlypoochy@gmail.com | Insured. Bonded. Awesome.
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